As Seen In

Are you taking care of a loved one, an Aging Beauty, a member of our Greatest Generation?
Are you struggling to manage your own
life goals while doing this?
If so, I am sure your time is consumed with day-to-day planning of their health while forgetting about yours.
Are you a family member with no healthcare background and placed in a position to provide support for your loved one?
That can be
frustrating in itself to find a way to understand how to properly care for them and learn important skills at the same time.
Imagine not being able to take a break, indulge in self-care or live out your own dreams.
While it is such an honor to care for those who once cared for us, it is not easy juggling everything. Give yourself grace and allow time to breathe.
Failures, wrong planning, bad caregiver guideline to follow to make it simple. Been there, done that. Let us help you.... there is no science to navigating the healthcare system, but with each important need related to your loved one, we can help you do that along with providing you with techniques to successfully care for your loved one and so much more!!!
Kesha L. Hayes is known as a transformational leader in healthcare, professional growth strategist, health and wellness consultant and a leading expert in aging. Her motto is “Building Futures, Connecting Generations.” She is the CEO and Owner of Professional Development and Training Services, LLC, a premiere Southeastern Institution that develops exceptional caregivers and the next level healthcare professional.
As the founder of the Aging Beauties experience, she started Caring for Aging Beauties (C.A.B.), a non-profit agency, which provides support to our aging population through companionship. She also owns Caring for Aging Beauties Home Care, LLC where she takes care of our elderly in their home. She emphasizes “caring for those that made a way for us” and giving back to those that “once cared for us.” She is also the founder of Rena Wellness, named after her maternal grandmother, where emphasis on self-care and lifestyle changes are promoted.
She’s an Amazon Best Selling Author with books titled Boldy Inspired, The Move, Keepsake Journal of Wisdom and soon to be released Under the Oak Tree: Wisdom from Aging Beauties. She is the creator of Senior Service Day: Honoring our Elderly Population, an event which received a Governor’s Proclamation for the entire state of SC, which shows tribute to our seniors through companionship and social engagement.
She is a Nurse, Community Residential Care Facility Administrator, with a master's degree in Human Resources and Healthcare Administration and over twenty plus years’ experience in healthcare. Her lifelong desire is to fight for those that can't speak up for themselves and who deserve the very best for all they do. Her efforts are to ensure the healthcare industry exceed customer standards, promote exceptional employee culture, and protect the best interests of our Aging Beauties.
Strategic guidance for healthcare agencies, healthcare professionals, and more to enhance skills
Support for Aging Beauties (older adults), Caregivers and surrounding communities
Professional development support for young and experienced professionals
Educational and motivational topics to uplift and grow individuals
Your diligence and care towards others is a gift. Don't let anyone make you think small regarding your gift. Shine bright and continue to make a difference! You are vital to our community and not just in a crisis!!!
If you would like to become a next level healthcare professional, at a premiere, Southeastern Institution, please reach out to us here.
Contact Us
Kesha Hayes is an Amazon Best Selling Author with books titled Boldy Inspired, The Move, Keepsake Journal of Wisdom and soon to be released Under the Oak Tree: Wisdom from Aging Beauties.